This note collects all notes where the in property says Series.
Series sorted by Ratings
Series sorted by Ratings, with Covers & YearXP
TABLE WITHOUT ID years as Years, "" as Poster, as Title, rating as Rating, yearXP as YearXP, yearXPL as YearXPLWHERE contains(in, and !contains(, "Template")SORT rating desc, year asc
These are “works in progress” but they should give you some ideas for your own series groups and series shelves.
Series sorted by Ratings, with People and Genres
TABLE WITHOUT ID years as Years, "" as Poster, as Title, rating as Rating, join(list(writer, actors)) as People, join(list(showGenre)) as GenreWHERE contains(in, and !contains(, "Template")SORT rating desc, year asc