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Starting serverless conversion effort for trend following

Packaging and Publishing node.js modules Packaging You can use npm init to create the package.json. It will prompt you for values for the package.json fields. The two required fields are...

Packaging and Publishing node.js modules

Packaging and Publishing node.js modules Packaging You can use npm init to create the package.json. It will prompt you for values for the package.json fields. The two required fields are...

DevOps Enterprise Summit sessions list

DevOps Enterprise Summit sessions list Scott Prugh - CSG - DevOps and Lean in Legacy Environments Mark Schwartz - U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Courtney Kissler - Nordstrom - Transforming...

Proxying npm through the firewall

I am currently working in a enterprise the has a firewal and proxy for maven and other resources so this came in useful.

How to Post using Jekyll on GitHub Pages

Create a file in the _posts directory with a filename in the format of