Phil A lean agilist focused on devops and cloud with a paasion for life long learning.

Fasting, intermittent fasting and plant based dieting

Fasting, intermittent fasting and plant based dieting

By line: Phil Ruff



We have started a monthly cycle of intermittent fasting, 2 days fasts all while eating primarily a plant based diet with recipes from Dr. Fuhrman, the weaknesses I have is my evening wine and snacking on peanut butter.

Intermittent fasting is as we are doing it is simply extending your daily fast , that is what breakfast does, from 12 hours to 18-20. So last month we did an 18/6 intermittent fast, this month we will be doing a 4/20 fast and next month the plan is to eat one meal a day, so almost a 23 our fast or in the pattern from above 1/23.

We are complementing this with some delicious plant based food from Dr. Fuhrman’s recipes. He recently added a meal plan to his members area to support intermittent fasting. We find the food takes time to prepare and is a lot! So we are working on how to right size the meals.

my progress on the scale



An weight percent bodyfat



An weight percent body fat graph


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